Morgan Green
22 - London
Before Christ, what was your world-world view?
I had grown up in a Christian household and went to church for as long as I could remember. Although I believed in God, my faith was very much reliant on my parents.
When did you first hear the Gospel? How did you feel about it?
I guess I’ve heard the gospel preached throughout my life, but it was only when I was looking for God that my heart was softened to receive it. When I understood it I was liberated.
What was your biggest question before you became Christian?
Why does the Bible not depict reality?
What was the turning point in your attitude? When did it all change?
I was in my bedroom alone and began really questioned the scriptures. I asked God how the Bible says so much about freedom, joy and hope; yet my life was separated from that reality and I’d grown up in church. He spoke to me and said, “Morgan, I haven’t asked for your Sunday morning, I’ve asked for your life.” In that moment I committed everything of who I was to God and repented over my sin. The Lord’s wonderful peace, joy and liberty entered me in a tangible way.

What changes did you see in your life, actions, attitudes, problems?
Throughout my teenage years, I struggled with pornography. This was by far my biggest challenge. When I gave my life Christ he broke the bondage of lust and my addiction stopped automatically. Praise God. I also struggled with anger due to my competitive nature. By the grace of God that also left instantaneously. I was filled with a hunger for God’s word and began to spend hours a day reading scripture and pursing my Jesus.
How long did it take before you noticed changes?
I did notice a change immediately in some areas of my life as I’ve mentioned. Over the next couple month God really shaped my mindset from one of offence towards to other; to love and desire for them to understand the fullness of Christ. Other changes have been an ongoing journey, such as pride and judging others. These manifest every so often in my life when I am distant from God and not intentionally spend time with Him
Where are you now?
I am simply in a place of gratitude that Christ wants to use me to reach people with the hope that’s found in Christ. To be able to use my testimony to bring freedom to others. I am continuing to pursue God fervently and use all the giftings he has given me to bring His kingdom on earth.
What is your favourite bible verse and why?
‘His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.’ 2 Peter 1:
Advice to a non-Christian:
God is not looking for a perfect or a ‘good person.’ He wants you to come as you are so he can transform your life.